Historical Fiction Book Giveaway

In order to show a little appreciation to my faithful readers, I am giving away three different historical fiction novels, all of which are hardcopy versions.  The entry is very easy.  Just leave me a comment below and let me know which book you are interested in winning and reading!  Open to US/Canada only. I will pick a winner of each book at the end of the week.  Winners will be notified via email and have 48 hours to respond.  Happy Holidays from The Book Binder’s Daughter!

Book #1: Neverhome by Laird Hunt

NeverhomeConstance is a farmer from Indiana who wants to see more of the world outside of her rural farm. She decides that fighting in the Civil War will give her this chance. Her husband Bartholomew would not be a good soldier and so she decides that she will make the sacrifice and march off to war and fight for her country in his place. She puts on the Union uniform, hides her feminine qualities and in this disguise travels down south to the heart of the battleground where she takes on the name of Ash Thompson.  Read my full review here


Book #2: Juliet’s Nurse by Lois Leveen

Juliet's NurseI enjoy stories that are retellings of classics, so I was delighted when I had the chance to review a book that narrated the Romeo and Juliet story from the nurse’s point of view.  This story begins with Angelica and her husband Pietro who are peasants living in 14th century Verona.  Although they are poor, they love each other dearly and have had a wonderful life raising 6 boys.  When the plague claims the lives of all of their children, they think they will never have the chance to rear another.  Read my full review here.


Book #3: Gutenberg’s Apprentice by Alix Christie

Gutenberg's ApprenticeWe all take for granted the written word, especially in the 21st century when not only are physical books readily available but so are books in electronic form.  In Muniz, Germany in the 15th Century an Elder by the name of Gutenberg had a crazy and obsessive idea of finding a way to mass produce books instead of having them laboriously copied by hand through scribes.  Peter is one such scribe and is recalled from his scribal duties in Paris at a monastery by his foster father.  Peter’s foster father, with whom he has been living since the age of 10, wants Peter to become Gutenberg’s apprentice as Gutenberg works on his new printing press.  Fust, Peter’s adoptive father is a merchant who has heavily invested in Gutenberg’s new invention.  Read my full review here.


Filed under Giveaways, Historical Fiction

18 responses to “Historical Fiction Book Giveaway

  1. Lisa Derrico

    They all sound great! I will put them on my reading list. Thank you for the reviews!


  2. Ellen Wenz

    Thank you for putting this contest up for giveaway! They all look great!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for stopping by and entering!


  4. Courtney

    They all sound interesting but I’ve been wanting to read Neverhome for a while!! I have it on hold at the library 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!!


  5. anne

    What a fascinating and wonderful giveaway. The books are all captivating. I would enjoy Gutenberg’s Apprentice very much. Thanks for this lovely feature and giveaway.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You are very welcome! Happy Holidays!


  7. Thanks for the giveaway, I would love to read Juliet’s Nurse, have heard so many good things about it.


  8. tmbirdsall

    Ohhhh….how exciting!
    If I win, may I please have a copy of, ‘Neverhome’?
    Either way after reading your review, I will likely read it.
    Thank you for the opportunity!


  9. tmbirdsall

    This is so exciting! Thank you for the reviews of each work, they all look to be a good read!


  10. I would love a copy of Neverhome, please (if I should win). Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway.


  11. I would love a copy of any of these, but if I have to choose, I’d select Neverhome. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Gutenbergh’s Apprentice sounds interesting! Looks like they will all be delicious reads😊


  13. I have totally been wanting to check out Neverhome! I’ve read a few good reviews, and I can’t wait to check it out!


  14. Hi Melissa! I discovered your blog through your guest post over at I’m Lost in Books. Thanks so much for sharing the history of Saturnalia with us!

    These all sound interesting, but I’m most drawn to ‘Neverhome.’ Thanks for hosting such a cool giveaway!


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